Saturday 12 December 2015

Four Deadly Sins that Landowners Do When Selling Mineral Rights

Selling Mineral Rights
Selling Mineral Rights
The energy requirements have never seen a downfall and have always been rocketing towards sky. With the advent of technology, new gadgets and gizmos, space explorations, defense requirements and others, the need for oil and gas and other energy minerals have witnessed the peak point in recent times. Therefore, the requirement to explore and drill lands in quest for these minerals has increased consequently.

And the opportunities to earn cash and generate money from lands without having to move and work have emerged for landowners. Now that landowners have the right to earn money from the minerals that may or may not lie beneath their surface land, they can extend this right to royalty buyers and earn money. However, before signing the contract with any company, there are four common mistakes that landowners do when they are up to sell oil royalty. If you are selling oil royalties or mineral rights, this article will serve to be of great importance to avoid these mistakes. Following are the five common blunders to avoid at all costs.

1.     Don’t sign your very first offer
As soon you start inquiring about the bid price, you are likely to receive offers in as short as two days. However, you should refrain from signing your first offer then and there. Instead, watch out for the offering and value you are receiving for it. Contact more royalty buyers and evaluate each bid carefully.

2.     Don’t act to be spendthrift without having to earn a dime
This is what most people would do upon having to sign an agreement. As a landowner, you must know that your will earn most of your income through mineral leasing if and only there is an abundance of mineral beneath your land. There are many dry holes and wells that bring no fruit out of the agreement.

3.     Talk to the royalty buying firms in full
Whether it is the issue of use of unrestricted water or the mineral rights issue, you must know about all that are your concerns. Don’t settle for a low bid just because you are in haste. This process takes guts of patience and persistence in order to receive a fruitful offer. Therefore, firmly state all the issues and rights that you are extending and ones that you are not.

4.     Read the agreement paper with eagle’s eyes
Once you have decided to lease your mineral rights and have received the agreement at your desk, don’t just rush to sign it. Even if you have negotiated the offer or accepted their offer with a handshake, all that starts is with your sign upon the agreement. So, once you receive the agreement read it carefully and make sure there are no liabilities upon you, ambiguous statements and misrepresentation of figures.

To pull if all together, getting the right offer with a trustworthy royalty buyer may be a hard nut to crack but it is not impossible with Call 1-888-916-0220 for free quotation